Denture Care

Caring for Your Dentures
In order to maximise the lifespan of your full or partial dentures, dedicated daily care is required. Handling your dentures carefully, maintaining good oral hygiene and a regular cleaning routine, and visiting your dentist often, are all necessary steps to successfully wearing dentures every day.
Handle it with care
The wireframes and artificial teeth can be fragile, so exerting too much force when putting it on, taking it off or cleaning, could cause the structures to weaken over time and break apart. When cleaning, always ensure it is done over a soft cloth, so if it slips out of your hands, it does not get damaged.
Keeping your dentures clean and soaking it daily
1. Clean dentures after each meal
It is extremely important to clean your dentures with a soft brush, a cleaning paste, and soapy water, after each meal. Food particles that are trapped under the denture can cause inflammation of the gums and sore spots.
2. Brush your dentures daily
It is important to clean your dentures thoroughly, brushing it both on the inside and the outside to remove any plaque build-up over the day.
3. Soak dentures overnight
For dentures to stay in their best condition, they need to be kept moist at all times. If left out to dry, the acrylic becomes too dry and brittle, causing it to lose its shape and not fit properly. Place it in warm water and add a denture cleansing tablet to ensure odour-causing bacteria is removed.
Dentures should also be removed for at least 6 hours daily, usually when going to bed at night, to give your gum tissues a rest – this would be the best time to leave it soaking.
4. Clean your mouth after dentures are removed
Brush your teeth, tongue, cheeks, and roof of your mouth. Use a brush with soft bristles.
5. Continue to visit your dentist regularly
Your dentures still need to be examined and cleaned by a dentist, and so regular dentist appointments are still necessary. The dentist also ensures your dentures continue to fit you well. If you feel the fit is not right—too loose, or is causing sores—schedule an appointment as soon as possible, so your dentist would be able to rectify the problem.
Get Your Affordable
Dental Implants Today!
Pay $1,148* For Single Implant With Crown
(After $1,250 Medisave Claim)
- Medisave claimable up to $1,250
- Includes dental consultation
- Includes OPG X-ray
- Includes crown
Book your appointment now!
Please fill out the form with your details. A staff member will reach out to confirm your appointment with you within 2 working days.
238 Vicarage Farm Rd,
Hounslow TW5 0DP, United Kingdom
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Friday : 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday : 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED