
Sedation Dentistry

Making your dental visits more comfortable

​Dental procedures can be terrifying, especially if you are in need of major surgery. To make your visit painless and comfortable, we now offer conscious sedation for a smoother treatment.

With conscious sedation, while you’ll be able to hear, see and respond, you are much less likely to experience pain and anxiety. This helps to reduce your anticipation of pain and relaxes you before your procedure.

There are three kinds of conscious sedation we use:

  • Oral sedation
  • Inhalation sedation
  • IV sedation

We have fully trained and certified staff to aid you in a smooth-sailing treatment session. If a practice offers more than one kind of conscious sedation, your dentist will work with you to determine which method is the best choice for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How does oral sedation work?

You will be prescribed a pill to take an hour before your scheduled dental visit. You must have someone drive you to and from your appointment. When you arrive at the dental office, you will be awake but should be feeling drowsy and relaxed.

Oral sedatives have no pain-relieving qualities, so local anaesthetics will be administered to prevent pain during your treatment. Under the effects of the sedative and anaesthetic, your mouth will feel immune to any work being done.

After your treatment and when you are fully awake, you will feel comfortable, relaxed and stress-free.
Under oral sedation, you must have someone drive you to and from your appointment and are not allowed to operate a motored vehicle for the next 24 hours.

2. What are the advantages of oral sedation?

It is easy to administer – they usually come in small pills and can be easily swallowed.
It works well for most people.
Prevents you from feeling any pain and anxiety before and during your dental appointment and surgery.

1. What are nitrous oxide and oxygen sedation?

It is the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen (“laughing gas”) that has been used in dentistry and other medical settings for many decades.

2. What can you expect from inhalation sedation?

Before the treatment, the dentist will place a mask over your nose to deliver the gas mixture throughout the treatment. Once your treatment has completed, the nitrous oxide supply will be turned off and you will be given oxygen until you feel completely normal.

When the effects of the nitrous oxide have completely worn off, you will feel fully awake and alert.

You will remember very little about your dental experience. You will be able to drive yourself home and do anything else you would do during a typical day.

3. What are the advantages of dental inhalation sedation?

It works well for mild to moderate anxiety.
It has a rapid onset.
It can be used for any treatment length.
You can drive yourself to and from your dental appointment and return to normal activities immediately.

4. Who cannot take inhalation sedation?

People who have respiratory problems (asthma and emphysema) or women in their 1st trimester of pregnancy cannot use inhalation sedation for their dental treatments.

1. What is IV sedation?

IV stands for intravenous. IV sedation medication is delivered through a tiny needle placed in the back of your hand or within your inner elbow. Due to its rapid effect, many patients prefer this sedation for their dentist surgeries.

2. What are the benefits of IV sedation?

Just like other forms of sedation dentistry, IV sedation:
Will relax you and make you completely comfortable.
Eliminates your anxiety and pain
Aids in improving your gag reflex or difficulty sitting in a dental chair for long periods.

3. Are you a right candidate for IV sedation?

During your first appointment, the dentist will gather a complete health history, evaluate your needs, perform a preliminary oral exam, and explain the recommended procedures.

It’s critical to tell your dentist about all medications and supplements you take or have taken so they can recommend the best sedation medications for you. You can expect some paperwork giving your consent for treatment, answer any questions, and issue pre-appointment instructions and/or medications.

4. What will your actual treatment be?

The dentist will explore your concerns, monitor your blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, oxygen level, and pulse throughout the appointment. Upon administration of the IV medication, you will quickly begin to feel relaxed and at ease.

5. Is there anything else you should know about IV?

IV sedation gives your dentist optimum control of the amount of medication administered – your level of sedation can be increased or decreased quickly and comfortably.
You should not eat or drink anything eight hours before your IV sedation appointment and you need someone to take you to and from the dental office.
Under the influence of IV sedation, you can expect to be unaware of the sights, smells, and sounds of the dental office. But will still able to respond to verbal cues from the dentist.
You will remember little to nothing of your dental appointment by the next day.
There is no set amount of recovery time. Many patients begin to feel more alert soon after the effects of IV has faded off; however, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery for at least 24 hours after the end of your appointment.

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Pay $1,148* For Single Implant With Crown
(After $1,250 Medisave Claim)

  • Medisave claimable up to $1,250
  • Includes dental consultation

  • Includes OPG X-ray

  • Includes crown
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*Price stated is inclusive of 9% GST
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238 Vicarage Farm Rd,
Hounslow TW5 0DP, United Kingdom

Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Friday : 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday : 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: CLOSED